Cherry is back in town so does its fresh and delicious taste. But is the cherry that good for your health? And the answer for this is 100% yes. According to a research, cherries are not one of the healthiest fruits available but is also one of the best health-protective food as well.
Twenty-one cherries or a cup contains 15% of Vitamins C a human needs in 24 hours. Not only this, the same amount also contains only less than 100 calories. Other than that, below are the seven reasons why this fruit is more beneficial than the others.

Cherries Contain Antioxidants
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements are found cherries which makes it ideal for human health. Presence of antioxidants in the body prevents aging and also avoids the human body from chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Cherries Protect Against Diabetes
As discusses earlier, cherries keep the body with the help of anti-inflammatory elements and one more thing that adds to the benefits of cherries is that it is lowest in the glycemic index in all fruits. And this shows that eating cherries will not increase your sugar levels or insulin. Therefore, cherries are helpful for avoiding diabetes and keeping your body stable of you already had the disease.
Cherries Help In Better Sleep
Before digging deep into the sleep benefits of cherries, let’s take a look at melatonin. This is a hormone which is essential for healthy sleep. And cherry pastry is one of those food items which contains this vitamin. A study comprising data of both men and women suggested that people who drink cherry juice in morning and before going to bed are likely to sleep extra hour as compared to those who don’t.
Cherries – A Source Of Arthritis:

Cherries are ideal for those suffering from osteoarthritis. Those who drink cherry juice regularly are less prone to joint pain as compared to those who don’t.
Fewer Gout Attacks With Cherries

According to a study, almost 8 million adults in America are suffering from gout. These attacks trigger when uric acid increases in joints and cause unbearable pain and welling. You will be amazed to know that people who consumed cherry as a fruit or as juice just for two days, reported 35% fewer gout attacks as compared to those who never ate it.
Cherries Control Cholesterol
According to a report, those who consume tart cherry juice are less likely to face LDL – a bad type of Cholesterol. Controlling your cholesterol level is very important as 1% decrement in cholesterol decreases heart diseases chances by 2%. Also, LDL becomes an epidemic when you are suffering from a heart disease.
Good For Post-Exercise Pain
When we come home after an intense workout session, the whole body is pouring with pain and we need rest to get the body muscles back to the normal level. Another thing that can do the trick for you is cherry. Cherries protects the body from cellular tear after a workout. Cherry juice is ideal for muscle support and recovery. Therefore many active athletes use tart cherry juice regularly.
In their season, there is nothing that can beat a bowl of fresh cherries. But there are many other ways with which you can get benefit from this healthy fruit. Other than fresh cherries, look for tart cherry juice, frozen cherries, cherry powder and dried cherries. You can use cherries in the form of powder as a topping for your smoothie overnight.
Other than fresh cherry pieces, another form that can be used in combination with many other food items is Stir chopped dried cherries. You can use those with cooked veggies, nut butter, and salads.
Tart cherry juice can be used with sprinkling water and if you are struggling to get a healthy sleep, drink it directly. Also, the tart cherry juice is helpful after an intense workout session. Adding cherry or its juice to your diet is a small shift but it can protect you from many health problems.